I was honored to be asked to capture the day in images~ there was so much activity, it was hard to choose just a few to post! Great baked treats, balloon art, crafts, face painting, clowns, and the kids just had a blast hopping, skipping and running around. The best part of the day for me was hearing one little girl tell her friend, "this is one my favorite days of the year." Here is a glimpse of the day:
Starting the event with prayer

love the pillowcase colors!

kids could hop, skip, run or walk around the 'track'

get their card punched for each lap

line up for the Pillowcase jump race

and receive a trophy as thanks for their effort!

Pillows-of-Love founder, Kim Jerrehian shared about the ministry

homemade cake to celebrate the 5th anniversary~
my friend's mom made this...yum!!

Pillows-of-Love Board of Directors~ thanks for putting together a great event!

Marci, thanks for these wonderful memories of the Pillowcase Derby! Your photos capture the joyful, festive day perfectly! With thanks, Colette