Around the time of his arrival I was considering upgrading my 35mm 1.4 lens to a 1.2 and decided to rent the lens before making the purchase~ I rented it for this newborn portrait session and absolutely fell in love with how it perfectly captures the details~ every little wrinkle, baby fuzz, the creases in his little feet.... all the elements that make up a new baby and are soon changed and outgrown. Hard to believe that one of my "little" guys just turned 10 years old this week... they literally change and grow in a blink and I soooo wish I had some images like these to remember the details of those tiny fingers and toes! So here are a few images of this precious new life, one that God already knows all about~ who he will become, where those now tiny feet will walk, and whose lives he will touch. May your days be blessed, little one!

Your photos are simply beautiful and stunning!